October 21, 2023

KSQL, a horror tale

After spending several weeks working on a ksql solution to filter billions of events and determine their destination topic, I was disappointed to find that it did not live up to my expectations.

I had hoped for a more robust product that would align with our needs. Previously, we utilized a similar filter in Spark, incurring traffic costs for both Confluent and AWS. With kSQL, the advantage was that we could avoid paying for AWS traffic.

To summarize a tale of horror:

  • The scalability of KSQL clusters proved to be a significant issue. Increasing CSUs required recreating the cluster, resulting in the loss of all created tables and streams.

  • KSQL always needs written permission on the schema registry. All my queries used a predefined schema, so it didn’t need it. Still, it’s mandatory. If you fuck up the query it will overwrite the schema.

  • You can’t delete dependent streams in cascade. You must do this manually.

  • All ksql queries/tables must be done by UI or API, I ended up with some scripts calling the API, and I don’t like it.

  • Debugging is hell.

It’s well announced that now confluent is working in flink, so that may be a good go in the future. Well, in fact, we can see that for the cloud it may make sense to move to Flink.

Overall, my preference still lies with Spark for this task, and my experience with ksql has been quite disappointing.

UPDATE Narch 2024: https://www.confluent.io/es-es/blog/serverless-flink-confluent-cloud-generally-available/

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