July 30, 2022

Databricks Cluster Management

For the last few months, I’ve been into ETL optimization. Most of the changes were as dramatic as moving tables from ORC to delta revamping the partition strategy to some as simple as upgrading the runtime version to 10.4 so the ETL starts using low-shuffle merge. But at my job, we have a lot of jobs. Each ETL can be easily launched at *30 with different parameters so I wanted to dig into the most effective strategy for it. Read more

July 1, 2022

Reading firebase data

Firebase is a common component nowadays for most mobile apps. And it can provide some useful insights, for example in my previous company we use it to detect where the people left at the initial app wizard. (We could measure it). It is quite simple to export your data to BigQuery: https://firebase.google.com/docs/projects/bigquery-export But maybe your lake is in AWS or Azure. In the next lines, I will try to explain how to load the data in your lake and some improvements we have applied. Read more

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